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Reminder Device

How might we, design a Reminder Device for a busy state of mind so that we do not forget important tasks in a day.

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Background Study
(Remembrance psychology, Keyword brainstorming, mood board, Inspiration board, prototyping processes)
Following pages provide a glimpse of the process towards the design of the reimagined table clock as a reminder device.  


Portfolio of Ideas.png
Client Board 1.png
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Concept Selection and Assembly
Circular design with 12 cm diameter clock face along with ring revolving light. Designed for easy and accurate assembly, laser cut 2D pieces can be developed into 3D form, thus also providing an added connect of self effort at product building before we experience the actual form. 


Cutting 6.1.png
Cutting 1.png
Cutting 19.jpg

Why Clocky
A reminder device that's integrated into a clock, because clock is a product of never-
ending importance and attention seekingDesigned in ivory white and brown colour, the product is sure to blend with room's aesthetics. Added to it the glow of night lamp, Clocky is aimed to solve multiple needs in its category of desk accessories, 


Cutting 18.jpg
Cutting 20_edited.jpg

Night Glow
Adjustable ring light functions as a night lamp, also providing a glance at the clock whenever you wake up. 


Product Functionality
Busy yet forgetful user puts a flag along with a note in the time slot where he needs to make a reminder. He may also choose between the reminder types such as Blinking light or audio or both. Moreover, the light functions as an accessory for photography videography or as a lamp. 


Day Night
Just like the 2 halves of the day, Clocky supports two concentric dials, one dark and one light, with 60 pockets each representing different instances of a day. The user puts flags according to AM and PM in light and dark coloured pockets respectively.  

Day Night Illustration.png
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